Gallery feature: Cosmoscope

[Art Management]
Cosmoscope is a combination of words: 'cosmos', from 'kosmos', the Greek word for 'world', is confronted by 'scope', the call to investigate.
We ask artists to question the perceived boundary between self and world, and to imagine it as a fluid space of flux, creativity and exchange.
We want you to examine the delicate balance between the microcosm of our daily existence and the macrocosm of the universe. Can we glimpse the cosmic in the mundane, and the urban in the celestial?
The Cosmoscope invites you to explore your corner of the universe, whether that be a real, desired, dystopian, ephemeral, domestic or endangered world.
We invite you to map out your home and to narrate your cosmology. Weave or photograph your place in the world. We are looking forward to our journey into the Cosmoscope.
This exhibition asks artists to create works that transcend boundaries of scale and perspective.
We welcome artwork interrogating but not limited to: the home, climate change, the city and outer space.